Wednesday, June 14, 2006


Tropical Storm Alberto

It rained today! T.S.Alberto dumped about 6 inches on us between midnight last night and 2:00 p.m. this afternoon. Lots of local flooding. A leak showed up on our bathroom ceiling which I promptly, with Angie's help, located coming down the sewer vent pipe. I can see daylight next to it so it's time to go to the hardware store and get a tube of roof caulking and do all of the flashings.

I did my swim in the indoor pool today. I hope the lake warms up by tomorrow. It has been delicious swimming in the lake with surface temp. at around 80.

I would have posted some water pics (get it ??? water pics???? Pictures of water! dooooi) but my camera is being repaired. I called Olympus today and they said that it was repaired and shipped yesterday. Good! I will have it in time for our trip to N.Y.

Right now, I am sitting on the porch typing this on my laptop over the wireless network. I have my pot of coffee next to me. What a life! I am enjoying the last hour of sunshine and listening to the wailful (is that a word?) hoo-hoo-hoo of a mourning dove. The carolina chicadees, brown headed nuthatches, carolina wrens, titmice, cardinals, rufous sided towhee, catbirds, mocking birds, warblers and finches will all show up for a bite to eat before dark. We have even been seeing an eastern kingbird at our feeders. The squirrels have cleaned off their corn cob so I will have to get them another one before I go in. I just had the one-eyed titmouse come to get a drink. I have been seeing him since he was born with a deformed left eye early this spring.

Angie is walking down the driveway talking to the flowers! We have some nice day lillies blooming there and the gardenias are just starting.

We probably had winds 20 - 30 m.p.h. today with the rain, but now it is calm and the lake is like a mirror. Now the tree toads are starting to croak and the sky is still "Carolina Blue". The same color as the font for today's post.

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