Sunday, October 16, 2005
Great Weekend
Last night we went to Pinecrest High School Auditorium to a benefit show for Sandhills Interfaith Hospitality Network (SIHN). SIHN provides temporary shelter, transportation, and assists with job location for people who are temporarily out of work and homeless. Angie liked the program but I thought that it was a little like watching Lawrence Welk. I guess I just don't appreciate slightly bulging older folks with gray hair and bald heads singing close harmony barbershop! The whole program was not this way, in fact, Grandaddy June Bug, story teller was excellent.

Today was an absolutely magnificent day from a weather standpoint. We ate lunch on the patio and had a Gulf Fritillary ( butterfly) flitting around the garden. We later took our 3 mile walk around the lake and I took a sample of the beautiful day to share with you.

Today was an absolutely magnificent day from a weather standpoint. We ate lunch on the patio and had a Gulf Fritillary ( butterfly) flitting around the garden. We later took our 3 mile walk around the lake and I took a sample of the beautiful day to share with you.

Let the Fun Begin

The lunacy has started. I volunteered to be a brush beater yesterday morning, the opening day of Deer Season in Eastern North Carolina. I did chase a 'Bullwinkle" out of the brush and sent it towards Mike. However, simultaneously, a six pointer walked across the field and the rest is history as recorded above. Brendan, 16 yr. old grandson of Gary unloaded his gun on a deer which disappeared. Grandpappy looked for a blood trail but couldn't find anything. Later in the morning, I suggested that we drive the field where the deer disappeared. About 1/3 of the way, I walked up on the deer lying dead in the brush. Glad I could be of help.
So, it was a successful morning with the harvest of one 6 point buck and a medium large doe. And I have a hind quarter in the freezer!
Friday, October 14, 2005
Weekly Events 10/14/05

Wow, it's been 2 weeks since I opened my big mouth on this thing. That's what happens when you get busy.
Anyway, this weeks highlights are:
Tuesday, we had a car accident across the street from where we live. driver lost control on wet pavement and took a tour of the side yard and ended up 20 ft. from the lake. We took one girl to the hospital.
A couple of days were spent getting corn feeders out for deer and of course the turkeys will eat good again. Moved several deer stands and got ready for the gun season opening day on Saturday, Oct. 15. Also sighted in both guns which needed scope adjustment.
Worked around the yard today cleaning up after about a week of rain, drizzle and cloudy weather. Cut grass, re-arranged pine straw including blowing it off of the roof, and trimmed shrubs.We even washed windows!
Saturday, October 01, 2005
Bill Bennett stirs 'em up
Boy, Bill Bennett sure stirred up his bleeding heart enemies with this one. What a wonderful opportunity to be quoted out of context.
If you read the following, please promise me that you will read it in it's entirety so that you will understand the context!
COLMES: Might give you an opportune to put them in context and explain.
BENNETT: Sure. Well, the context was a radio show that I was doing yesterday, and the topic was abortion and we were talking about bad arguments in regard to abortion. A caller suggested he was opposed to abortion because he said if there were more babies there would be, eventually, more tax payers and a larger GNP, a smaller deficit. I said you want to be careful with that kind of argument because someone could postulate a situation where child's not likely to be a productive taxpayer. I said, arguments in which you take something that's far out, like the GNP and try to connect it up with abortion are tricky. I said make the case of abortion on the basis of life and protecting life. I said abortion is invoked in another way — you could make an argument that if you wanted to lower the crime rate, you saw the quote — you could practice abortion in very large numbers. You could do it in the black community. You could do it in other places. This is, by the way, the subject of a book for economics by a professor at Yale.
I said, however, if you were to practice that, widespread abortion in the black community or any other community, it would be ridiculous, impossible, and I appreciate you putting it on the screen, morally reprehensible. So I think morally reprehensible, when that is included in the quote makes it perfectly clear what my position is. A number of the people whom you have cited as condemning me have not made the inclusion of that remark, and so they make it seem, Alan, as if I am supporting such a monstrous idea, which of course I don't.
If you read the following, please promise me that you will read it in it's entirety so that you will understand the context!
COLMES: Might give you an opportune to put them in context and explain.
BENNETT: Sure. Well, the context was a radio show that I was doing yesterday, and the topic was abortion and we were talking about bad arguments in regard to abortion. A caller suggested he was opposed to abortion because he said if there were more babies there would be, eventually, more tax payers and a larger GNP, a smaller deficit. I said you want to be careful with that kind of argument because someone could postulate a situation where child's not likely to be a productive taxpayer. I said, arguments in which you take something that's far out, like the GNP and try to connect it up with abortion are tricky. I said make the case of abortion on the basis of life and protecting life. I said abortion is invoked in another way — you could make an argument that if you wanted to lower the crime rate, you saw the quote — you could practice abortion in very large numbers. You could do it in the black community. You could do it in other places. This is, by the way, the subject of a book for economics by a professor at Yale.
I said, however, if you were to practice that, widespread abortion in the black community or any other community, it would be ridiculous, impossible, and I appreciate you putting it on the screen, morally reprehensible. So I think morally reprehensible, when that is included in the quote makes it perfectly clear what my position is. A number of the people whom you have cited as condemning me have not made the inclusion of that remark, and so they make it seem, Alan, as if I am supporting such a monstrous idea, which of course I don't.
Weekly Events 10/1/05
We came home from Carolina Beach on Monday after a very restful and relaxing week's vacation fishing and hanging out. Didn't catch many fish but we had fun expoloring the Lower Cape Fear River and Snow's Cut.
We got caught up on some of the chores that needed to be done but still have plenty for next week. I took another load of health kits from Southern Pines to the M.E.R.C.I. Center in Goldsboro. About 200 miles round trip but there were 850 health kits, 15 layette kits and 3 flood buckets in my truck. I didn't have enough room left even for another nail file! The picture shows the ladies unloading my truck and counting the cargo.

On Friday, I decided to retire from the Seven Lakes EMS Dive Team. The decision came as a result of careful evaluation of my 21 year old heart condition by myself, my primary physician and a cardiologist who I am going to have monitor my health. All things considered, I figure that I got a lot of good mileage for an old goat and the limb that I was getting out on was getting thin and a little rotten at the tip. So, my advice to all of you youngsters reading this, push life as far as you can but be smart enuf to quit while you are still ahead. I will still be swimming a half mile about 3 times a week!
Today, we had a booth for Sandhills Overland Search Team at the Autumnfest in Southern Pines. The weather was warm and sunny and there was a festive atmosphere. Best part was that I had a large smoked turkey drumstick for lunch.