Sunday, July 08, 2007
Dr. Gerben Zylstra
Following is an excerpt from an email forwarded from Gerben's dad:
I told most of you that I will be taking a long trip this summer, to Europe and Asia. I leave late Sunday night. I set up a blog at so people can follow my travels. I already uploaded information on my itinerary. If all goes well I should be uploading photos during my trip on a regular basis (I can take a photo with my cell phone camera and then e-mail it through the cell phone to the blog). I will be gone July 8 to August 11. First, about 9 days in Europe on vacation to visit Paris, Lisbon, and Istanbul and then a "working trip" of about 3.5 weeks in 'stan land to visit Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Kazakhstan. I just Monday got a second federal grant to work in the 'stan countries (this time a small education and training grant) so I will become more involved in the science over there.
I have added a link over on the left on "Bob's Blog" so that you can surf over there from time to time to see how he is doing.
I told most of you that I will be taking a long trip this summer, to Europe and Asia. I leave late Sunday night. I set up a blog at so people can follow my travels. I already uploaded information on my itinerary. If all goes well I should be uploading photos during my trip on a regular basis (I can take a photo with my cell phone camera and then e-mail it through the cell phone to the blog). I will be gone July 8 to August 11. First, about 9 days in Europe on vacation to visit Paris, Lisbon, and Istanbul and then a "working trip" of about 3.5 weeks in 'stan land to visit Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Kazakhstan. I just Monday got a second federal grant to work in the 'stan countries (this time a small education and training grant) so I will become more involved in the science over there.
I have added a link over on the left on "Bob's Blog" so that you can surf over there from time to time to see how he is doing.