Saturday, June 24, 2006


Nathan's Graduation

Yesterday was graduation day for Nathan and we started it by having lunch at a Japanese restaurant in Kingston, N.Y. Both the food and the entertainment were excellent.

The Graduation ceremonies for Rinebeck High School were held in the new Bard College Auditorium. The facility was great and there were seats to spare. The speaker was excellent and the graduates were great.

Monday, June 19, 2006



A few weeks ago, I helped teach our annual sailing class and the last day when we let some of the students sail Sunfishes, I got the Sunfish bug. I went home and checked Ebay and various internet sites and found out that a decent one can be purchased for $500 or less. Most of the ones that I saw had trailers included. I don't need another boat trailer!!! I decided to just look around locally and if I see one, make an offer.

Saturday, before the sailboat race, I asked Tom who has bought & sold big sailboats over the internet if he knew of any Sunfish for sale. He said, "No, but what about a Sailfish?" To which I replied, "That has possibilities." Tom said, "Well come right over and take the one that is in my yard and get it out of my way." "How much?" "Nothin'" "What's wrong with it?" "Nothin'" "I'll come over and look at it after the race." "OK."

To make a long story short. It's mine and I sailed it yesterday and today. It is in mint condition and sails great. It is a "wet sailer"and I have capsized it at least a half dozen times, so far. Just push down on the dagger board and climb back on. Sailing it is somewhat of a balancing act and I have a few strange muscles showing up in my hips.
A friend down the street built it from an Alcort kit around 1956 and it has been kept in excellent shape since.

Friday, June 16, 2006


Another Beautiful Day

Another beautiful day here in the “Sandhills” today. It all began this morning as I was slowly coming to when the phone rang at 6:30 a. m. Our neighbor across the street, Helen, was without water and she had overnight guests who needed showers when they got up. Angie checked and we had plenty of water pressure. I got dressed and went over to check to see what her water meter was doing. It was buzzing along full blast – a leak somewhere. We walked toward the house and could hear water gushing in the crawl space. It turned out to be a loose hose clamp on a connection on a pressure reducer where the service came into the house. I was able to put the line back onto the regulator and seat the clamp tightly and have her back in business in abour a half an hour.

The termite inspector came at 8:00 a.m and we got a clean bill of health

Angie went to water aerobics at 9:00 a.m and when she came home we went to Brutons berry patch to pick blackberries. They are delicious but the thorns on the bushes bite back when you pick. On the way back, we stopped at Kalawi Farm Stand and bought some peaches and sweet corn. The sweet corn was delicious along with the flounder stuffed with crabmeat and mushrooms in white sauce that we had for supper!

We had lunch on the back porch and I will share with you some of the flowers that we gaze upon while we eat.

After lunch, I went to a meeting at church to discuss our future plans for the Food Pantry. Food Pantry is another subject that I will go into on a day when we work over there to distribute food.

At the end of the meeting, my E.M.S. pager went off and I responded to the third call for the day. On the way back, I stopped to get the mail.

The next thing on my agenda was to swim my daily 1/2 mile. (Whoops, my one eyed titmouse friend just came for a drink at my feet. I think he winked at me.)

The wind was calm and the lake was beautiful..........

It is 7:45 in the evening, the sun is setting in the west, the squirrell is playing on the corn cob wheel, and I am sitting here listening to "Radio Louisana" Zydeco music typing on this thing.

Thursday, June 15, 2006



Today the weather was beautiful! Not a cloud in the sky with high 85 +. I got my camera back from Olympus repair late today so now I can start showing you all of the stuff that I tell you about.

My sister, Judy gave me something to ease my anxiety over losing my hair for my birthday. I thought that I would give you a side by side comparison of what I look like without hair and what I could look like with a little fertilizer.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006


Tropical Storm Alberto

It rained today! T.S.Alberto dumped about 6 inches on us between midnight last night and 2:00 p.m. this afternoon. Lots of local flooding. A leak showed up on our bathroom ceiling which I promptly, with Angie's help, located coming down the sewer vent pipe. I can see daylight next to it so it's time to go to the hardware store and get a tube of roof caulking and do all of the flashings.

I did my swim in the indoor pool today. I hope the lake warms up by tomorrow. It has been delicious swimming in the lake with surface temp. at around 80.

I would have posted some water pics (get it ??? water pics???? Pictures of water! dooooi) but my camera is being repaired. I called Olympus today and they said that it was repaired and shipped yesterday. Good! I will have it in time for our trip to N.Y.

Right now, I am sitting on the porch typing this on my laptop over the wireless network. I have my pot of coffee next to me. What a life! I am enjoying the last hour of sunshine and listening to the wailful (is that a word?) hoo-hoo-hoo of a mourning dove. The carolina chicadees, brown headed nuthatches, carolina wrens, titmice, cardinals, rufous sided towhee, catbirds, mocking birds, warblers and finches will all show up for a bite to eat before dark. We have even been seeing an eastern kingbird at our feeders. The squirrels have cleaned off their corn cob so I will have to get them another one before I go in. I just had the one-eyed titmouse come to get a drink. I have been seeing him since he was born with a deformed left eye early this spring.

Angie is walking down the driveway talking to the flowers! We have some nice day lillies blooming there and the gardenias are just starting.

We probably had winds 20 - 30 m.p.h. today with the rain, but now it is calm and the lake is like a mirror. Now the tree toads are starting to croak and the sky is still "Carolina Blue". The same color as the font for today's post.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006


More Iowa Pics

Now that I have gotten a "bug" out of my browser, here are some more wedding pictures:

And more of my birthday party!

Is there something about HAIR here?

My sister Judy had her birthday party the day after mine. We won't tell how old she is!


Rob & Meg's Wedding

Here I am back again finally. Too many trips to keep up with this thing.

The highlight this spring was grandson Rob getting married on May 12, 2006. You can see for yourself - It was a nice wedding.

Since everybody was in town, My wife , Angie and my daughter-in-law, Linda arranged for a surprise birthday party for me which I put them up to. The old crow is now 70!

Thanks, Linda, for a great party!

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