Saturday, November 04, 2006



I received these pictures from a friend that prove that one can never be too careful. I am told that the owner of the rifle went to the range to sight in the scope on his rifle. He first used a "bore sight" to set the scope. A bore sight is frequently used by firearms dealers and gunsmiths to get a scope aproximately on target so that when you go to the range , you can at least hit the paper. He found the bore sight pictured about 100 yards down range.

Unfortunately, he forgot to remove the bore sight from the barrel before firing his first test round. We are taught in safety classes that you need to be SURE that your barrel is unobstructed at all times. Even an inch of mud in the bore as a result from falling can cause this disruption.

We can all learn a lesson from this. Do your bore sighting on the work bench at home and keep b
ore sights off of the firing line. Also, it pays to always wear safety glasses when shooting at the range.

Fortunately, nobody was injured in this incident.

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